Episode #80 - Warning Sign

You’re on day ?? of the Coronavirus and you’ve already rewatched Contagion, Outbreak, and A Bug’s Life. Since we’re only allowed to watch germ movies or Tiger King (crazy right?), you need something else to get your weird fix! We’ve got the answer for you, 1980-something’s Warning Sign. This movie should have tipped us off decades ago that virus movies are TERRIBLE, and this one may be the most infected of them all. A film starring Sam Waterston, the rich dad from Billions and the mean guy from other movies, Warning Sign could have been great if it wasn’t for the fact that it was made. In our second of the possibly never ending Isolation Series, Nick and Stephen (and Kyle… who is now out of the pod. Contagion pod, not podcast), wade deep into infected laboratories to discuss proper lab conduct, how not to film a fight scene, AND PROTOCOL (WE MUST FOLLOW PROTOCOL!). Feel free to listen to this without watching the movie because this podcast will be punishment enough.